
Automatic CSS - WordPress lifetime Deal

Automatic CSS
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Get Automatic CSS

Automatic CSS (ACSS) is an advanced utility framework designed to streamline CSS management for WordPress, particularly enhancing page builders like Bricks Builder. It automates complex CSS tasks, providing a seamless and efficient design experience.

What is Automatic CSS For?

Automatic CSS is designed to simplify and speed up the web development process by automating the application of CSS styles. It provides predefined classes and variables for managing colors, typography, spacing, and layouts, making it an essential tool for developers looking to maintain consistency and efficiency across their projects.

color system acss
Color system in ACSS

Key Features of Automatic CSS

  1. Color Management: Define brand colors and automatically generate shades and transparencies.
  2. Fluid Responsive Typography: Adjust typography sizes automatically across devices.
  3. Consistent Spacing: Use mathematical scales to achieve harmonious design spacing.
  4. Responsive Grids and Columns: Create flexible layouts with utility classes for flexbox and grid systems.
  5. Styling Tokens: Maintainable global element styling using custom classes and ACSS variables.
  6. Cheat Panels and Live Preview: Utilize contextual menus and live previews for easy style application.

Supported Page Builders

Automatic CSS excels in its seamless integration with several popular WordPress page builders, enhancing their functionality and efficiency. Here’s how it works with each supported builder:

  • Bricks Builder: ACSS provides advanced customization and automation, simplifying the design process and enabling developers to create highly responsive and visually appealing layouts.
  • Oxygen Builder: Deep integration ensures that users can leverage ACSS’s extensive utility classes and variables to maintain consistent styling across projects effortlessly.
  • Cwicly: With Cwicly, ACSS brings flexibility and precision in styling, making it easier to manage complex design elements.
  • GeneratePress: For GeneratePress users, ACSS automates many CSS tasks, ensuring a consistent and scalable design without manual adjustments.
  • Gutenberg: Planned support for Gutenberg will extend ACSS’s capabilities to the native WordPress block editor, enhancing its styling options.
  • Breakdance: Integration with Breakdance focuses on delivering responsive design features and efficient CSS management.
  • GenerateBlocks: ACSS simplifies the customization process for GenerateBlocks, allowing for easy application of global styles and responsive layouts.

This broad compatibility makes Automatic CSS a versatile tool for developers using different page builders, ensuring a streamlined workflow and consistent design across various platforms.

Pricing Model

Automatic CSS pricing
Automatic CSS pricing plans

ACSS offers a range of flexible pricing options to suit different user needs, from freelancers to large agencies. The pricing structure is designed to provide cost-effective solutions while ensuring users have access to all the powerful features and updates the plugin offers. Here are the detailed pricing plans:

  • Freelancer: $79/year, supports up to 3 live websites.
  • Agency: $149/year, supports up to 100 live websites.
  • Lifetime License: $399 one-time payment, supports up to 100 live websites, includes lifetime updates and support.

This flexible pricing ensures that both small developers and large agencies can find a plan that meets their needs and budget, making Automatic CSS an accessible tool for enhancing web development workflows.

Customer Reviews

Users of Automatic CSS consistently praise its ease of use and significant time savings. The framework's ability to automate CSS management, such as responsive design and consistent styling, is highly valued. The support and community are also frequently mentioned as key benefits, providing extensive resources and assistance to users.

In summary, Automatic CSS is a powerful tool for WordPress developers seeking to enhance their workflow and maintain high standards of design consistency. With its array of automated features and flexible pricing, including the Automatic CSS lifetime option, it stands out as a valuable addition to any web developer’s toolkit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Automatic CSS offer a lifetime deal?

Yes, Automatic CSS offers a lifetime license for a one-time payment of $399, which includes lifetime updates and support.

Does Automatic CSS have an unlimited site option?

No, Automatic CSS does not have an unlimited site option. The highest plan supports up to 100 live websites.

With which page builders can Automatic CSS integrate?

Automatic CSS integrates with several popular page builders, including Bricks Builder, Oxygen Builder, Cwicly, GeneratePress, Gutenberg, Breakdance, and GenerateBlocks.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes, Automatic CSS offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, allowing users to get a full refund if they are not satisfied with the plugin.

How does Automatic CSS handle responsive design?

Automatic CSS automates responsive design by adjusting typography sizes and layouts across different devices, ensuring consistency without manual breakpoint adjustments.

Automatic CSS Lifetime Deal - WP Lifetime deals
automatic css

Automatic CSS is a Design plugin for WordPress with a Lifetime license. This is a great opportunity for developers and web studios who want to save money and get a better offer.

Price: 399

Price Currency: USD

Operating System: WordPress

Application Category: Plugin

Editor's Rating:
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Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between plugins with a lifetime or unlimited license?

Plugins with a lifetime license are purchased once and can then receive updates and support for free for as long as the plugin exists. Unlimited-license plugins have no limit on the number of sites installed, but may have limitations on support and updates. Often unlimited-license plugins charge by the month or annually. Sometimes these two types of licenses can be combined. For example, a plugin can be used on an unlimited number of sites and get lifetime updates and support by paying once.

Who is suitable for plugins with a lifetime or unlimited license?

Plugins for WordPress with lifetime license is a great way to save money if you own the site and want to invest the money once to keep working and not think about the fact that you have to pay periodically for plugin updates, because there can be more than 10 such plugins on the site. The benefit is obvious, that paying once is much better than paying for 10 plugins every month or year. It's also a great choice for developers who want to supply their customers with the latest versions of plugins and not have to spend money to buy a plugin for a customer every time. 
Unlimited license plugins are a good deal for agencies and developers who create a lot of projects and it's important for them not to have restrictions on creating sites, as well as getting support from plugin creators.

Can a plugin with a lifetime license have an unlimited number of installations?

Yes, it can. But not always, it depends on the business model of the plugin developer. Most developers offer lifetime licenses for 1, 3, 5 or unlimited installations. So if you own the site you will be enough license for one installation. If you have more of your own projects, then you are fine variant for 3 or 5 sites. If you're a developer or studio, the unlimited license is a great choice.

If I am a freelancer, what type of license should I choose?

If you are a freelancer who has decided on the direction of their projects, it is better to choose plugins with a license from 50 sites. You can save money if you do not buy a lifetime license, and pay for the license annually. But if you think you're missing the opportunity to buy a unique plugin with a lifetime license, it's better to spend the extra money for this tool, because this type of license usually exists not for a long time.

What type of license should I choose for my studio, agency, or small company?

The best choice is a lifetime license with unlimited installations. If the unlimited option is not available, there are usually options for 100, 50 sites with a lifetime upgrade. This, too, is a great deal that will save you a lot of headaches and money. But if lifetime offers are not available, then your choice is the unlimited license with an annual fee.

Can I get a refund if I bought a plugin with a lifetime or unlimited license?

Yes, you can get your money back. But this type of license requires a limited period of time before you can get your money back. Normally you will have 30 or 60 days to get your money back if the plugin is not suitable for you. But we advise you to check out the free version of the plugins beforehand, if this option is available. Or try a trial version of the premium plugin before you buy it.